Hi Lovely, I'm Valerie,
I grew up like many of you eating crappy food and in a very heavily accepted pharmaceutical use culture (I was on accutane twice for my acne, on the birth control pill for 10 years, and I was given antibiotics for every little thing). I was leaving my health in the hands of medical professionals without little to no self-responsibility or proactivity.
After about 10 years of being on the pill I decided it was time to break free and learn about fertility awareness method as I wanted to prepare for having a family in the near future. Only, little did I know that my acne together with horrid digestive and hormonal symptoms were going to show up as a result of the pill’s suppression. I was NOT prepared for this at all!

After the pill,
my menstrual cycles were incredibly long (more than 45 days), and thanks to cycle charting I could identify that my hormones were completely crazy! Thanks to my training in health and nutrition I realised that pharmaceuticals were no longer an option for solving my issues and that in fact being on the pill for 10 years and accutane twice was probably the cause of my subclinical hypothyroidism, thyroid noodles and constant UTIs among other health issues. I was finally ready to do the work: adjust my lifestyle and diet in order to restore my cycles and clear my acne.

I went through a few rabbit holes of healing
like restrictive diets, cutting dairy, sugar, gluten and so on but that did not seem to get results. Sounds familiar? Only when I discovered pro-metabolic nutrition based on real ancestral foods, worked on my mental health and realised the importance of balancing my minerals things began to change very quickly: My cycles become regular and pain free, my hair, skin and nails looked healthier than ever, my thyroid levels were optimal and my UTIs never returned!
As I reclaimed my fertility, I also got pregnant very easily with my first beautiful baby!
If I achieved all of the above, imagine whats is possible for you!